I would love to find the link that assured me, back in 2005, that the human eye measures 36mm.
Since then, I have always been on the look out for good 6mm beads. In fact they are quite hard to find, compared to the rather common 4mm beads, which are, in fact, much closer to the 1:6 scale of the average human eyeball.
Tobias, my brother, found this. So what was already small, now became even smaller.
In May, in Assisi, I spent a few evenings making this head. I had not brought my 6mm balls, so I had to use lapis lazuli beads from my mother's necklace-making box. And in fact, even though this head was quite far off proportion, quite a bit too large, I was finding it difficult to sculpt the curve of the eyelids, because the balls were just too large.

I pulled out the old moulds from Solo
Duets to use as a starting point in sculpting. They turned out to not be very useful, as the scale was so far off, but it was very interesting to find a painted latex skin inside the mould, waiting to be made into a head. I had made so many attempts at the face casts for Solo Duets, this must have been one ready to finalise when I decided the previous attempt would have to do. This face became Gunther's strange bank robber's mask....

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